Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Take joy while you can.

I am happy, happy because I have a safe place and the man I love more than anything. So over the thanksgiving break my boyfriend Steve asked me to marry him. Actually, his exact words when i told him, once again, that he should marry me were as follows: "It's not like I haven't thought about it." Said has he presented me with a ring. It was charming and fit with our relationship.

On the evening of December 21st, the winter solstice, we were married by a dear old friend on mine who is a licensed pagan minister. It was a lovely and simple ceremony and my hubby liked the idea of everyday of our marriage becoming brighter as the days lengthened. He can be such a romantic. Both my parents and his parents were there and his kids, Tim and Alexandria, were our best man and bridesmaid as it were. My youngest sister Sara was also my bridesmaid. Our closest friends, Beth and Seth were there as well as the much missed Mike and Leah who also served as witnesses. We decorated the living room with snowflakes and candles. The entire ceremony was candle lit and just lovely.

The we spent the first week of our marriage packing up my apartment... We survived it so that bodes well for our relationship.

The only real downside at the moment is that my entire studio is in boxes and it is making me a wee bit crazy. I miss my jewelry making and my beads and my masks and fabric. It is temporary though since we found the perfect house and are in the process of convincing a bank they want to let us have it.

I need to draw more, desperately need to draw more. I am losing my muscle memory for it and that is a very bad thing. So since the big studio stuff is unavailable I have been drawing and experimenting with ideas to combine my 2d and 3d art.

Trying also to get all my pages linked up and cut out the things I can do without to save money since I make zero on my stuff lately. Events are coming up though and things may turn around. I am hopeful, always hopeful, and grateful that I am in a position that I can do what I love and treasure. That I can create and make things that uplift my soul and share them with others.

I started another blog just for art things, this one will be more personal. Not that anyone reads them, not even my husband (haha).

the other blog: http://metallicvisions.wordpress.com/


  1. I love what your husband said about the days getting brighter and longer, that is awesome! I feel bad commenting on all your posts, but I love your blog! Ha. I read your blog also!

  2. I'm so happy for you two. Good luck with the bank!
