Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday Slump and Probiotics

So I feel awful today.  Just finishing a monthly ritual (aka my period) that has kicked my butt.  I am so worn out I have been on the comp playing games and researching things and doing nothing difficult all day.

I was minding my own business when I stumbled upon this video about "the American Parasite", it is long but very informative about candida, sugar, probiotics, and their effects in your body.  It is a pretty good and relatively well researched and a well documented video.

And it is kind of cool to watch the drawing, so I kept watching.  And wow, just wow.  Not only has it described my physical symptoms, but it attributes them to candida, something I have suspected, and in my personal health experiments, blame for many of my ailments.

I was very skeptical as I watched until I realized just how accurate it was matching my physical symptoms (fatigue, headaches, IBS, depression, and many more) to what I have researched as a possible cause of my health issues.  I am not saying that this is the one answer, as there is rarely just one thing that causes the engine that is our bodies to malfunction.  I am just finding out that this is a big one, and one that we can deal with.

So much of our health is what we take into our bodies, and the over processed crap and high sugars we are accustomed to eating is killing us.  I have not cut sugars completely from my diet, but I have found that I am much healthier and happier when I steer away from them drastically.  Also with preservatives, I make my own sauces and soup mixes instead of using canned soups.  It is just a little step I take everyday to manage my health and the health of my family which is my full time job. (working vs stay at home wives is an entirely different topic for another time)

Now everyone has a system they want to sell you to deal with this (in this case a probiotic pill).  You don't need it, you just need some knowledge (unless of course you have the money and want a faster solution).  Look what is in your food, become familiar with what names sugar and  preservatives hide as, and be willing to change your habits.  Learn about your good gut bacteria and get your probiotics (Kefir is awesome!).

I am not even going to start on the probiotic soapbox today (I Love my water Kefir!).  I think I will save that for Monday as Sunday is a day for a different kind of study.

Do watch the video.  If nothing else it will get you thinking about ways to feel better.  And that is the first step.

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