Monday, May 7, 2012

Great Pen & Ink: 6 Jack Kirby

This month I am highlighting Jack Kirby.

First off please read and respond to this article: "As 'The Avengers' will Make Millions, Creator Kirby May Get Squat
To stand up and help out check these:
A Buck for Jack
The Jack Kirby Museum

Jack Kirby, the man responsible for creating and illustrating so many iconic comic book characters.  In fact his art is large part what made them iconic.  Captain America, one of my long time fav's he created with Joe Simon in the 1940's.  Check out the following:

Jack Kirby was insanely prolific and highly creative.  Jim Vadeboncoeur Jr.'s article on him at JVJP's Illustrators site is wonderfully done and very informative (see link below).  My favorite thing about Kirby is his ability to narrate a story visually and how he uses subtle cues in layout and motion to lead the eye through several frames.

For further reading and to see more art check out the following:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Great Pen & Ink: 5 Joseph Clement Coll

Great Pen & Ink: 5 Joseph Clement Coll

Nice to be back at this art appreciation thing ;). 

So today we have Joseph Clement Coll, an illustrator from the golden age of illustration at the early part of the 20th century.  His style is fantastic, flowing, and dynamic.  With nothing more than lines his work conveys passion, violence, and wonder.  Sadly he did not live a long life and these days his amazing pieces are barely known.

For further reading on the man and to see more art, check the following:
Flesk Publications Gallery